Curiosity, wanderlust, and a thirst for new experiences define the Explorer archetype. Rooted in a profound yearning for discovery and adventure, this archetype ventures into the unknown for the sake of personal growth and enlightenment. Unlike other brand archetypes, the Explorer embodies a pioneering spirit and strives to uncover uncharted territories of the external world and the self.
Beyond mere wanderlust, the Explorer archetype embodies a relentless pursuit of truth and authenticity. Casual sightseeing and occasional travel pale compared to the insatiable curiosity of the Explorer, who boldly embraces the challenges of the unfamiliar.
With an unwavering determination to explore and expand horizons, the Explorer brand archetype sets forth on a journey of discovery, promising experiences fueled by curiosity and courage. In the realm of brands, expect to embark on a voyage of self-discovery and adventure with the Explorer as your guide.
The Importance of Brand Identity
Why are we so interested in labeling ourselves by taking personality tests? I’ve always thought it’s because sometimes (even if we refuse to acknowledge it), we want to fit into a box.
When it comes to branding, the same is true. You may not want to admit that the company you’ve worked tirelessly to build and mold into a unique, one-of-a-kind brand is also the company you often want to shove into a box with your competitors.
However, finding “boxes” for your company to fit into is the first step to producing effective branding and consistent voice.
In short, I’m talking about using marketing psychology to influence consumer behavior. More specifically, it is important to use a derivative of psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s 12 brand archetypes (“boxes”) to influence consumers when developing your company’s core identity.
The 12 Jungian Archetypes
Carl Gustav Jung is one of the most famous reformers of traditional psychoanalysis. Staying far from Freudian ideas, Jung researched and reported his theories, findings, and opinions. One of his most revolutionary ideas was the 12 Jungian archetypes of personality. These twelve types are pulled from now-universal symbols and myths from many different cultures.
Marketers have developed a model for developing brand identity and voice-based heavily on the 12 Jungian personality archetypes. To learn more about the different archetypes and how they compare, check out our blog on all 12 brand archetypes.
“Archetypes are the heartbeat of a brand because they convey a meaning that makes customers relate to a product as if it actually were alive in some way, they have a relationship with it and care about it.”
– The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes

The Explorer Archetype at a Glance
The Explorer archetype’s goal is to live an inspiring and fulfilling life. The Explorer is authentic, curious, and independent. This specific type wants to answer questions such as: “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose?”
The Explorer wants the freedom to forge a unique path and focus on self-discovery and the meaning of life.
Although one to criticize the establishment, Explorer brands would rather venture down their own path than put up a fight (as the Hero or Outlaw type might). Just as Explorer brands crave freedom, they strive to help others feel free.
They are pioneering and often offer products and services that appear unyielding or rugged.
- Goal: To live an exciting and fulfilling life
- Desire: To have the freedom to explore and discover
- Fear: Feeling trapped
- Strategy: Take the road less traveled
The Explorer in Motion
A fashion line can be an Explorer just as well as a mountainous, outdoorsy brand can. Any brand that veers off the beaten path and invents its own could be categorized as the Explorer.
Essentially, if you’re having difficulties placing your brand into a “box,” that may be because your brand is an Explorer. Because of this, various industries may find themselves fitting into this specific archetype.
Another reason your brand might be classified under Explorer company culture. If your company values originality and encourages you to reach your goals in a way that works best for you, this may be an archetype that fits.
Levels of the Explorer Archetype
All 12 brand archetypes can be expressed at fluctuating levels. The lower levels are less developed, while higher levels are more mature and refined.
- Level 1: The Explorer is very candid, illustrated by traveling, exploring the world, and getting out into nature and the environment.
- Level 2: Manifested when the “exploration” turns inward and focuses on learning what makes oneself unique. Essentially, it is the process of seeking one’s own identity.
- Level 3: Reached when the exploratory journey has led to one’s own “Promised Land,” a place of knowing who you are with the freedom to be yourself and express that individuality completely.
Examples of Explorer Brands
1. Jeep
Not much needs to be said regarding what makes Jeep an Explorer brand.
This advertisement uses the emotional concept of the explorer, showing the lifespan of their product to represent our journey through life.
Jeep does a great job with storytelling to capture how the “dents” we collect over time are tokens to look back at with fondness.
2. REI
REI’s website story says it all: “At Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) we believe a life outdoors is a life well-lived.
We believe that we find our best selves in the wild, untamed, and natural places, so our purpose is to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors for all.
So whether you’re new to the outdoors or a seasoned pro, we hope you’ll join us.”
3. Spotify
Spotify’s very nature aligns well with the Explorer’s ideals. Not only do they cater to our ever-changing music needs (influenced by setting, company, and mood), but also include deliberate use of Explorer language in their messaging.
Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” algorithm-generated playlists encourage users to find new artists without actively searching.
This ad posits the music as an Explorer, with the tagline “Music That Finds You”.
Where Does Your Brand Fit In?
The Explorer archetype serves as a powerful catalyst for creating a dynamic brand that profoundly captivates audiences. Its adventurous spirit transcends traditional boundaries, cultivating connections rooted in curiosity and authenticity.
Astute Communications is a branding agency that excels in leveraging the potential of archetypes like the Explorer to enhance your brand’s impact.
Reach out to us today to discover how our branding services can assist you in forging authentic and compelling connections with your audience through the Explorer archetype.