If you’ve been on any social media platform lately, you’ve probably seen a post or two about the Enneagram test or people referring to themselves as single-digit numbers. Maybe when I say I’m an ENFP, you understand that I’m an intuitive extrovert who feels and perceives.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me enlighten you.
Personality evaluations have been around since Hippocrates posed the four temperament theory in 460 B.C. He believed there were four fundamental personality types, and everyone belonged to one. Hundreds of theories and tests followed these ideals to allow the personality tests of the 21st century to evolve.
While researching personality testing in a business setting, I came across a lot of differing opinions. People tend to (strongly) feel one way or another in regards to these forms of self-assessment being used in the workplace (and I can assure you all these people are a 3 on the enneagram scale…kidding!).
The reasons why businesses will choose to use personality testing may vary. Some use this evaluation strategy during the hiring and on-boarding process, some use personality tests as a team-building activity to spark conversation and understanding, and others use these assessments simply to learn more about their existing employees.
We think utilizing these tests as team-building exercises is the way to go. Here at Astute, we use the Everything DiSC Workplace personality test. The DiSC test is one of the most well-known personality evaluators for businesses. Here’s a glimpse into how it works and why it may help you invest in your company culture.
DiSC Workplace
According to the website, DiSC Workplace is meant to be used for team building, employee communication, conflict management, motivation, productivity, and career development. It only takes 15-20 minutes to complete the assessment, and you receive a 20-page, workplace-specific report at the end. This report focuses on your priorities and strengths as well as the priorities and strengths of others.
Here’s how the results work: DiSC generates a small dot representing your personality and attaches it to a pie chart. Your dot may fall anywhere among the D, i, S and C sections, and you’ll be associated with one or two of the four traits.

Once your dot is placed you’ll receive the 20-page report on your specific personality. You’ll discover things like: What Priorities Shape Your Workplace Experience, What Motivates You, What Stresses You, and how you react (or how best to interact) with other DiSC personality types. You might discover why you never have gotten along with particular personalities, while simultaneously finding 5 pages of ideas to help strengthen those relationships.

Having your team go through DiSC testing encourages realization and open conversation focused on differences, strengths, and weaknesses. To cultivate a culture within your company that respects, understands and appreciates takes time, energy and persistence — but is vital to the success of your business.
Try it out: here.
-Written by Lily Tillman