Welcome back to “From Discovery to Design: 5 Crucial Steps for Planning Your Website.” This is the fifth and final segment of our 5-part podcast series detailing the web design process. In this segment we continue our conversations from last week between podcaster Clark Buckner and our owner, Anna Stout, about visualizing the final design of your website.

If you have been following us from the beginning, and have taken the suggested steps to build the website you want for your company, then now is the time to start visualizing all the hard prep work you’ve completed!

This is a really great time to think about designing for the responsive web. We’ve touched on this a little in the past couple segments, but we will dive in this week. It is important today that you make sure that your new website will appear correctly on ALL mediums–from wristwatches to tablets to big screen TVs. We’ll briefly discuss the term Atomic Web design, coined by Brad Frost, and we’ll talk about how this methodology applies to your website.

The most important thing to remember at the end of your web design project is to keep the open communication you’ve established since the beginning. Don’t be afraid to say that you don’t like something and don’t forget to keep an open mind as well when you’re enlisting a professional designer. This should be a fun and, ultimately, a profitable process. Enjoy! We hope that this podcast series can help walk you through each phase of your website planning, making it a fun and easy process for you and your team.

If you would like to learn more about how to begin your web design process, please give us a shout at [email protected] – we’d be happy to hear any feedback!