
The Client

With over 25 service offerings and locations spanning across 24 states in the US, Volkert is a massive infrastructure engineering firm specializing in transportation, energy, program management, and urban infrastructure problem-solving. Volkert has consistently ranked in the top 100 engineering firms in the United States according to ENR.  

The Problem

The resounding request we heard from Volkert was that they wanted people to see and experience exactly who they are when they visit their website. This is an innovative company solving modern-day problems through thoughtful design and expertise and they wanted that to carry to the online world as well. Volkert is a quickly evolving firm with a wide span of projects that requires skillful associates all over the US. This website needed to capture the attention of job-seekers, shine a light on their company values, and represent their “top-100” design quality work. 

So, that’s what we did. And we had a great time doing it. 

Our Solution

Our team quickly got to work asking the important questions: Who is Volkert? What do you stand for? And What do you want people to know about you? From there, our skilled team of designers, developers, and strategists put their heads together to come up with a clear and well-documented plan for the design and build of Volkert’s new site. 

Our first priority was organization. With a broad range of offerings, spanning multiple professional categories and industries, the team at Volkert knew they needed a better organizational structure for presenting their work and expertise. We worked closely with them to create a clear hierarchy of information, and a plan for how to display it intuitively.

Volkert is spread out across the country, so we traveled. We went to the source, to the people that are doing this innovative engineering work to capture them in action and then placed that footage at the heart of the website. 

Volkert is imaginative. So we went imaginative with them and developed a customized interactive map to highlight each office location with its contact information—making it effortless for visitors and potential customers to track down exactly who they need. 

For Volkert, their people are the heart of the organization. So we built a beautiful, easy to use careers page that would make anyone want to join the Volkert team. We focused on highlighting their core values and employee benefits with an intuitive user roadmap leading right to “current openings.” 

We tied their content together with an easy to read mega-menu, supported by an informative, intuitive user flow woven throughout the content. Coupled with original videography and their stunning project photography, this website took the very essence of who Volkert is and painted it right across the web browser. 

This was a labor of love for the Astute team. We are proud to work with such a phenomenal team of professionals on Volkert’s new website. Click the button below to see how it all turned out:


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